Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Hunger Games ( Chapter 1-5 )

What character, idea, person, attitude, etc. do you really like? Why?

I chose the character Katniss because she was always motivated and ready to hunt and fight for hunger for her family. The reason why she is the only strong person in her family is because after her dad died from a mine accident, she changed and became a strong and independant person. One example of when Katniss was strong was in chapter one when Katniss volunteered for her sister Prim because her sister is only 12 years old; Prim doesn't know how to fight or hunt, and she would be scared to go out in the woods. Katniss did not want that for her sister because she didn't want her sister to get hurt. She is also strong because she knows how to hunt, fight, run fast, and she knows how to defend herself.   

Katniss is also an independant person because she doesnt need Gale, her friend, or her family to rely on her. Another reason why she is independant is because ever since her dad died, Katniss' sister Prim is to young to know what is going on, and her mother is too depressed and doesn't want to do anything. Overall I would want to be more like Katniss because I want to be strong and independant like her because she has no weaknesses like me.  I have weaknesses that I wish I did not have.  

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