Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Hunger Games ( Chapters 16 - 18 )

Write a letter to the author.

       Dear Suzanne Collins,
                                    Hi I am a student at innovations academy.I am a 7th grader at IA and I would like to talk to you about your book The Hunger Games. What got you into writing these book, well what inspired you to write this book. I am actually reading this book in my class with our teacher it is a really good book i can't wait till we start reading it. The chapter we are on right now is 16 - 18 and it is really sad to find out that Rue died she didn't deserve it. She is just a 12 year old innocent girl who really didn't need to be put through all that. Also there is one girl in the book who hasn't really been in the book and that is Fox Face who is really quiet and she hasn't died yet. How come you kinda kept her out of the book for so long and now she is just getting notice. 


                                Also what i like about the book is Rue and Katniss had a really good and close relationship. They were like best friend and it was all because of the Mocking Jay. That  is so cool I want to see what a real Mocking Jay look like. Oh before I forget I like how Rue gave Katniss a Really big hug and told her to be careful I thought that was really cute! The only sad part is that Rue dies. :( . My favorite quote is " I can't help myself. There's another high - pitched cry, this time my name. Katniss! Katniss!" That is my favorite one out of all of them. Well hope you get my letter.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Hunger Games ( Chapter 13 - 15 )

What has happened in the book that seems important to the story?

Chapter 13 & 14 - Katniss meets a girl named Rue and they become really good friends. Rue is good at climbing trees and she know how to use herbal medicine. Katniss and Rue decide that they are going to set the Careers camp site on fire. As they were setting things on fire Katniss' jacket caught on fire and she burnt her hand and her leg. Katniss and Rue go to the lake and Katniss lays on her stomach and puts her hand in the water.
Lets now talk about Rue and where she comes from. Rue comes from District 11 where they do all there agriculture. She learned how to whistle to her people through the Mocking Jay Birds. This is why she trusts Katniss because of the Mocking Jay pin.

What I liked about these chapters was how Rue and Katniss became friends. It reminds me of the time i met my friend/cousin Monique and at first I didn't trust her but as i got to know her i started to open up to her. The other reason why I became friend with her is because my mom is best friends with her mom so I thought it wouldn't hurt to become friends with her

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pea Growth Chart

My Pea Data

We used a graph chart to measure the height of pea growth for 7 days. The plant was inside with endirect light coming from floresint light bulbs.

After 7 days we took them outside and they grew taller with the sun light. But they were eaten by bugs and animals.

The Hunger Games ( Chapter 11 - 12 )

The Hunger Game begins, 24 kids to play a game to kill each other. The last one alive brings food back to their district. The district watches the game on T.V . The first night 11 kids died. Peeta and Katniss are separated. Peeta is alive, Katniss climbs up a tree for her safety. Some kids makes a pack together to kill the weak ones first.

Peeta is with a pack who are looking for Katniss. Katniss is thirsty, she keeps looking for water. She is waiting for Haymitch to send her water or maybe she has a sponsor who will buy it for her. Katniss fall on mud and finds water on her own.

Applied Mathematics Semester Review

  • I learned how to do a Siepinski triangle

  • 1. Start with a triangle
    2. Randomly select any points inside the triangle
    3. Randomly select and one of the three vertex points
    4. Repeat

    Here's 10 math vocabulary words
    1. Fractal - A geometrical pattern that is repeated at every scale 
    2. Decimal - Pertaining to tenths or the number 10
    3. Fraction - A group or clique within a larger party or organism 
    4. Area - An extent of space or surface
    5. Circumference - A circle is the distance or length around it 
    6. Base - A bottom supports a thing that it stand on
    7. Height - Extended or distance up 
    8. Pi - Is the ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle
    9. Diameter - The measurements of the widest part of the circle 
    10. Radious - Often refers to any line that connects     

    Tomorrow-Cast 2032

    My topic relates to oganisms because pandas can take in food, release energy, release waste, grow, respond to the environment and reproduce.

    My 7th grade goal is learn how to do more investigations and experiments. For an example i learned how to do a podcast but i want add my own ideas like pictures, sounds, videos, and music.

    Here are 10 vocabulary word that relate to my topic: 

    1. Bamboo - A type of food that pandas eat 
    2. Endangerment - Any type of harm that the animals are getting witch cause the to be distinct    
    3. Population - A habitat or given an area
    4. Species - Distinct of some sort 
    5. Statistic - A statistic is demonstrating you research   
    6. Infograph - A thing that has all your fact and statistics on it 
    7. Concept - A concept is a thing that you learn 
    8. Conservation - Preservation  
    9. Persuasive Letter - Able  to persuade your topic  
    10. Organism - Any living thing
    These are my 10 vocabulary words 

    Sunday, February 12, 2012

    The Hunger Games ( Chapters 5-10 )

    What has happened in the book that seems important to the story?

    The relationship with Peeta and Katniss is important in the book because one of them has to die. Katniss is afraid to get close to Peeta even though she likes him. Peeta has always liked Katniss and he is worried about her in the games. Katniss often thinks about Gale and their relationship. Peeta told Haymitch that he liked Katniss. So Haymitch strategized with Peeta. In chapter 10 Peeta told the audience that he is in love with Katniss.  

    What I think about this relationship is that Katniss should go with what her heart tells her. If she really likes Gale then she should go with Gale. Also Gale knows everything about her and Peeta doesn't really know anything about her. If she really does like Peeta but says she likes Gale more then she should go with Gale. But if I where Katniss I would deffiently go with Gale because Gale knows everything about her and Peeta really doesn't know that much about her. Maybe she could go with Petta because Katniss' mother and Peeta's dad knew each other way before they were born and Peeta risked getting beat, purposly burning the bread for her family.

    Saturday, February 11, 2012

    The Hunger Games ( Chapter 1-5 )

    What character, idea, person, attitude, etc. do you really like? Why?

    I chose the character Katniss because she was always motivated and ready to hunt and fight for hunger for her family. The reason why she is the only strong person in her family is because after her dad died from a mine accident, she changed and became a strong and independant person. One example of when Katniss was strong was in chapter one when Katniss volunteered for her sister Prim because her sister is only 12 years old; Prim doesn't know how to fight or hunt, and she would be scared to go out in the woods. Katniss did not want that for her sister because she didn't want her sister to get hurt. She is also strong because she knows how to hunt, fight, run fast, and she knows how to defend herself.   

    Katniss is also an independant person because she doesnt need Gale, her friend, or her family to rely on her. Another reason why she is independant is because ever since her dad died, Katniss' sister Prim is to young to know what is going on, and her mother is too depressed and doesn't want to do anything. Overall I would want to be more like Katniss because I want to be strong and independant like her because she has no weaknesses like me.  I have weaknesses that I wish I did not have.  

    Thursday, February 9, 2012

    STAR Test Math

    3 Math skills that I learned before second semester:
    • I learned what a supplementary angle is 
    A sumplametary angle are 2 angles that make up 180 degrees.

    135 degrees + 45 degrees = ?
    Anwser: 180 degrees  

    • I learned what base times height was 
    step 1 : A = 1/2 bh
    step 2 : A = 1/2 (4ft) (2ft) 
    step 3 : A = 1/2 * 8 ft2 
    Anwser : A = 4 ft 2

    • Perpendicular
    1. Parallel lines that has same slope

    Tuesday, February 7, 2012

    Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry ( Page 1-26 )

    What has taken place in the book that reminds you something that has happened in your life?

    The reason I picked this question is because Cassie told her Friend that she liked a kid named T.j. and her friend decided to tell T.j. and she was very upset. Also it reminds me because it happened to me I told my best friend who I liked and she told him and I was very upset and jealous.