Thursday, May 24, 2012

Medieval Japan ( Diary Entry )

Dear Diary,
             Hi my name is Yung-Hee but in english it is Kim Kwon. I would like to tell you about my life and what is happening right now.
Im from Japan, I have three brothers and two sister i am the youngest out of all of them. All my brothers and sisters moved to america because of what is going on down here.
today it is one/eleven/five hundred i am nineteen years old.

growing up it was hard because there was so much things that had to be expected of us. Prince Shotoku took over and he had split our family up so we were not often together because father was always out fighting for our family and trying to keep us safe. My family i very wealthy so we have wood floors and we have the colorful clothes. Our clothes are the exact same thing as everyone else but since we are on the wealth side our clothes are very silky and it feels really nice.

This is a picture of me and my sister, I’m the one in the far back. we are at the temple and if you don’t what temple mean that we a worshiping Buddha. We do this it least five times a day. Our God come from mostly all around the world. I wish we kept our because it would have been better to love nature and all those other things. I just think its hard to have Buddhism as one of our religion but still have Shinto in memories. What I think that should have happened was that we kept Shinto and let Buddhism fly by us. Who am I to say that if it wasn’t for Prince Shotoku we would still have Shinto

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