Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Pocahontas Diary Entree

November 23, 1608
Dear Diary, 
            Hi I am Pocahontas I have lived in Virginia since I was young with my father and are tribe. Many years ago english man came and took over our land. Most of our men from our tribe killed some of the men because there were taking over our lang. I have been watching the english for a while now to see what they would be doing how they live and how it is different to ours. 

          One day I go to see what they were doing and I see that everyone is getting sick and no food for them to eat . Days after that a guy named John Smith and some of his men came to our village and said that they would trade jewelry for corn and at first my father didn’t agree on that until i said father lets trade or become one tribe and the agreed...
           Many months after that I fell in love with John Smith all though we were many years apart in age. After a while the english started to grow tobacco and started we all started to trade things for the other to have tobacco and thats how they started their tribe again and make sure everyone is healthy.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Medieval Japan ( Diary Entry )

Dear Diary,
             Hi my name is Yung-Hee but in english it is Kim Kwon. I would like to tell you about my life and what is happening right now.
Im from Japan, I have three brothers and two sister i am the youngest out of all of them. All my brothers and sisters moved to america because of what is going on down here.
today it is one/eleven/five hundred i am nineteen years old.

growing up it was hard because there was so much things that had to be expected of us. Prince Shotoku took over and he had split our family up so we were not often together because father was always out fighting for our family and trying to keep us safe. My family i very wealthy so we have wood floors and we have the colorful clothes. Our clothes are the exact same thing as everyone else but since we are on the wealth side our clothes are very silky and it feels really nice.

This is a picture of me and my sister, I’m the one in the far back. we are at the temple and if you don’t what temple mean that we a worshiping Buddha. We do this it least five times a day. Our God come from mostly all around the world. I wish we kept our because it would have been better to love nature and all those other things. I just think its hard to have Buddhism as one of our religion but still have Shinto in memories. What I think that should have happened was that we kept Shinto and let Buddhism fly by us. Who am I to say that if it wasn’t for Prince Shotoku we would still have Shinto

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Medieval Japan ( News Letter )

Buddhism Was Born In Japan!   New law that King Siddhartha made. Buddhism was just found from all over the world starting from India in the Five Hundred's B.C.E. About One Thousand years later it came to Japan from China by ways of Korea.  Before the Japanese People started to do Buddhism, Japan’s original religion was Shinto. Which Shinto stresses purifying whatever is unclean, such as dirt, wounds, and disease. Touching the most dead also make one unclean. Most of all, however, Shintoist celebrate life and beauty of nature.These are the things that they believed in 1. spirits 2. wind 3. lighting 4. rivers 5. mountains 6. trees and last but not least they believed in Emperors. Buddhism is pain + suffering = life. The founder of buddhism is a God name Siddhartha. There is a moral code for Buddhism, there is Eight commandments for the moral code and they are: 1. Respect for others 2. Acting right 3. Achieving wisdom through meditation. If you achieve nirvana, seeing life as it “Really” is you will never have to suffer through the pain again. Buddhism is just like Christianity because they have a God who was born, died, and born again. Bodhisattvas believed in Angel who would help them and others. Christianity and Buddhism are like them same but different in many ways. Christianity has one God and they believe that God ( Jesus Christ ) created everything in the whole world before we were created. The only difference about Buddhism is that they didn’t have the first 2 people who their God created. The first people who the Christians God created was Adam and Eve. Those are the things that are similar and not similar. Buddhism has one God who they worship on a daily basis and that the Buddha God. They do not have a God like the Christians have, Their religion is more different and easier to handle.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Idyllwild Fauna

The Cougar ( Puma Concolor )

1. A Moutain Lion Cougar come from all around California. They moved to Western California because of hunting.

2. Moutain Lions / Cougars are not Nocturnal. They hunt between 5:00 am and 7:00 am, and between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm. They usually wander during the day and they sleep at night. These are usually the times that the deer are most active.
 ( Read More:
sheets/student_activity_sheet_cougar.pdf )

3. Moutain Lions / Cougars eat ungulates, deer, elk, moose, and bighorn sheep
(Read More:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Family 24 Hour Diet

Me and my family walked to Vons and got this for dinner

This is me pouring the Noodles into the pot

This is me putting the meat into the pan

This is me mixing up the turkey meat

This is my weird grandma pouring the noodle into the draining thingy

This is my weird grandma again puring the sause in the turkey meat

This is my grandma mixing everything together

Theres me eating my food ! Yummy

Theres my brother in-law eating like a pig

Sunday, April 15, 2012

24 Hour Photo Diet


 At 11:30 I had Otmeal for breakfast I had to eat something quick because I was leaving to go somewere.


at 12:40 I had Takis for Snack I ate that because I really didnt want to eat anything healthy


at 1:10 I had Carne Asada Fries for Lunch because thats what me and my cousin Monique wanted for lunch

Late Snack

at 3:17 I had Hot Chettos and Arizona Kiwi Strawberry for a Late Snack because i was hungry and this was the closets to me


 at 6:30 I had a Toco Salad for Dinner becase my aunt made them and i really had no choice what i was going to eat


Thursday, April 12, 2012

History / China

What I learned about the Great Wall of China was that the name Chin became the home state of Chin. Also I learned the Wall started because the states were building against each other. I also learned the wall took over 2,000 years to build. 

Friday, March 30, 2012



This is our class star

  1.  What facet of Islam did you present
I did Siyam, which is once a year for a whole month. It is were they can only eat before the sun comes up and after the sun goes down


This is mine and my groups star

   2. What concepts did you learn 
The concepts i had learned was that that the pregnant people don't have to do it and the elderly and the younger children that hasn't hit puberty. Also they are aloud to eat before the sun comes up and before it goes down